😀 abbacaxi - more than i need review

a deep house electronic bop that takes a while to get going

seems like, for the foreseeable future (hopefully) facebook is down! and because of that, there is now peace. in other news, welcome to this weeks review! one of the things we try very often to do with this is to showcase all kinds of different jams and songs and such and the like. therefore it is a real pleasure to reveal this weeks song, more than i need by irish abbacaxi! this is a deep house-esque song that takes its time and you should give a listen to. you can do just that by clicking the play button up above, so do!

click the picture up above to give it a listen!

what i liked! :)

this kind of music requires a deft touch, you really have to know your sounds and mix to get things to gel together nicely and this song does just that. the gentle infusion of real instruments and well chosen samples is a treat to listen to. combine that with a gentle layering in of elements and you've got yourself a journey of a track to enjoy. not only that but the lack of a cohesive traditional song structure works to this songs credit, as you can't quite anticipate when something new is going to happen, so you have to pay attention to the level this deserves.

what i didn’t like :(

as much as i enjoy the journey of this track, i couldn't help but feel that the beginning needed a touch more development from the off. without it, the song feels very welcome to a fancy restaurant as opposed to a real jam. it's quick to shed that feeling tho, which is a good thing, i just wish it never had it to begin with.

my drunk opinion :S

"yeah man theres this show right and hes like, hes like, like, doctor who right but hes drunk, like all the time right. and then he then he yeah. so im thinking of going into bitcoin you ever heard of that?"

for fans of

ross from friends!!!! which is not, in fact, ross from friends, as in the ross from the friends, but is in fact a fully fledged artist that has grown out of the bit.

should you listen to more?

yes! yes you absolutely should this is a really cool artist with a lot of good stuff going on. if you like this song, you'll like what they do and you should like this song, it's banging. what does that tell you about the rest of their roster? exactly.

more we’ve been listening to

congratulations to nathan, winner of march’s vinyl prize draw! share a single song review with your friends to enter april’s draw :)

that’s all from us this week! catch you in the next one xo

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