😀 anna shoemaker

everything is fine review

welcome to review no 126! let's get into this. what's this? this is a bedroom indie pop song that you should spend some time with cus it's a wee gem! meet anna shoemaker with their track; everything is fine. take a listen at the play button above, and we'll dive into the review!
click the picture up above to give it a listen!

what i liked! :)

oh boy this is a catchy wee song. that chorus lands with both feet and i found myself whistling it after only a few listens. it's all set up and laid out very well too, with none of the song slacking. the bedroom indie rock aesthetic is nailed too. the grungy guitars, wide sounding drums and vocal queues are all right where they need to be.

what i didn’t like :(

while this song really hits the mark in a lot of ways, it just falls short of the one thing that'd make it a proper banger. it doesn't have anything to really make it stand out. like, it's got all the tropes of the genre, but nothing to put atop that to make something new.

my drunk opinion :S

i'd go to this concert and not know the words but i'd have a good time and you know, thats the main thing

for fans of

getting a big olivia rodrigo moment from this, whichis good because i think olivia rodrigo is awesome yes you can call me a stan but only because im right

should you listen to more?

so, when i said this artist has a lot of talent? well, i'm right. their repertoire is really quite good. there's a few different directions in terms of genre and sound on the go but broadly it's of a similar fair. check it out at the button below!

more we’ve been listening to

congratulations to nathan, winner of march’s vinyl prize draw! share a single song review with your friends to enter april’s draw :)

that’s all from us this week! catch you in the next one xo

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