😄 artist: varas song: waterboy review

let's go?

good morning and welcome back! we’ve got an absolute banger on the go this week, as per usual. stepping away from our shoegaze set of songs that were dominating the last few weeks, we’ve got a rocky, poppy and very electronic jam for you this week. meet varas and their song, waterboy!

click the picture up above to give it a listen!

what i liked! :)

geez louise this song is absolutely pounding. the heavy as all hell drums landing in on each and every available beat is just pounding. land on top of that the rather solid guitar work and synth just sticking like glue to that main beat, and you have a winner. add on top of that yet another layer of intensity in the deeply personable vocal work and man. we are going somewhere. i loved the massive use of really treated vocals in the verse and chorus too, that was a real fun touch. all of the elements on display here are super simple, nothing is really straying too wildly from anything really established by other artists. where this shines though, is that everything has enough slight variation from other artists that is all feels different as a whole.

what i didn’t like :(

fundamentally, what this song needed and really was trying to land, was that kind of a killer hook that would keep it in your mind. it came really close, but so close that it’s almost annoying it didn’t land it.

my drunk opinion :S

sorry can’t type anytihng, raving out too hard, check back later!

for fans of

this reminds me of this song by oscar lang, which has that similar pounding beat and fuzzy approach, which i enjoy a lot. honestly though? any track with that 3 kick beat which just drives and drives and drives, i’m all over it.

should you listen to more?

a thing i found out in the course of writing this review; this artist has a massive song with hundreds of thousands of listens, and i had no idea. it’s really good, it’s called waterbreak, but it sounds nothing like this song like, at all. anyway, all of this artists tracks are really good, and i love that for us because we get to listen to it all.

more we’ve been listening to

warpaint rock, like really really really rock, and i love that

just. just wait for that bassy riff out of the bridge to hit.

me too dude, me too

congratulations to nathan, winner of march’s vinyl prize draw! share a single song review with your friends to enter april’s draw :)

that’s all from us this week! catch you in the next one xo

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