😄 cevret, andy cizek / blinded review

maybe if we do things right, they will all work out

genre: metal
release date: 25/01/24
runtime: 4:35
video: yes :)

been in a real spooky mood lately, been watching some horror movies and getting spooked and boo’ed from different angles. really been enjoying the magnus institute which is like a horror podcast that i heard about from the a single song review discord server, which if you don’t know, is a sick as hell place to hang out. link above. as part of that spooky mood, i’m feeling a little hankering for having my face melted off by some heavy heavy riffs and fast as hell metal. good news then, that this weeks premium review is a banger of a metal track all the way from lovely lovely switzerland. meet cevret, featuring andy cizek and their track blinded.

click the picture up above to give it a listen!

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