😀 groovemeister - coolade review

jazzy, groovy and thicc, but is that what it takes to drink the coolade?

this weeks song is brought to you by our submit a song form, which you can find at the header. please submit your songs, it means we get to share them here! plus it means you get to see our shiny new website that's (still) being worked on and all the fun things we have in store for you. anywho. this weeks song is jazzy, funky and fresh! it's by an artist that lives up to their name, groovemeister! check it out by clicking the play button up above and let's dive in

click the picture up above to give it a listen!

what i liked! :)

this song is dripping with tone. oh my goodness me, the instrumentation and production is top notch. each instrument is doing the absolute most, and not in an obnoxious way. this translates through to the actual playing too, with each instrument contributing to a really lively and interesting track. the amount of personality on display in this song is really great and all of it centres around that oh so key groove.

what i didn’t like :(

the best music likes this that i've heard works hard to convey a story, even if it is sans lyrics. this song doesn't really seem to do that. it's hard to pick a high point in this song, there's lots of great ideas and things going on, but without any kind of structure or narrative it kinda gets lost.

my drunk opinion :S

this is the kind of song you hear someone put on at an afters and they're like everyone vibe w me and everyones like what but he's having a good time y'know so you don't say anything you just watch him sway in the kitchen

for fans of

a fair few artists do this kind of funky jazz, but my personal faves are either sungazer or snarky puppy.

should you listen to more?

the ep this song comes from is really sick! there's a fair few songs on there that are worth your listen. it's all a pretty similar faire, jazzy, funky and with that really awesome production value on the go. check it out and maybe there'll be some more coming soon since this came out a few years ago.

more we’ve been listening to

that’s all from us this week! catch you in the next one xo

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