😄 guillame comat / solastalgie review

premium review: for all u cosy boyos

genre: easy listening
release date: 25/08/23
runtime: 4:00
video: no :(

little bit of a change of pace here for you all. got a lovely little instrumental piano track to enjoy. i loveeee piano instrumentals, they’re honestly so killer and there are a few artsits out there who do the form such justice. believe you me, there’s nothing better for sitting inside, looking out on the cold and enjoying the warm. i know that’s like, babies first emotional storytelling but i really mean it. some genres of music have their time and place, gabber music has it’s time and place over footage of kids tv shows broadcast on bilboard, and this piano music is for right now and right here, where i am now. i’m enjoying the work of guillarme comat, and you will too.

click the picture up above to give it a listen!

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