😀 joshy soul - new lover review

can you keep up?

here's review no 127 for you!!!! we have a great track for you this week. it's as surprising as it is high energy, and a hell of a lot of fun. we've been listening to funky and jazzy bop; new lover by joshy soul! this song starts out with all the trappings of something chill and lo-fi, but it wastes no time in slapping you in the face with a funky beat and saying no, this isn't that type of song. find out what type of song it is by clicking the play button up above!

click the picture up above to give it a listen!

what i liked! :)

so this song is absolutely blindingly intricate. between the bass line, tight drumming and high energy, this is a song that goes full throttle and doesn't stop. the massive sound is awash with fills, vocals, synths and awesome chord progressions that have all the joy and fun of a big band ensemble.

what i didn’t like :(

only thing i didn't quite vibe with was the vocal effects in the chorus. to my mind that was the time for a clear vocal line to really crystalise out that hook, but with so much backing vocal it becomes washed out.

my drunk opinion :S

i keep trying to listen to this but my head won't!!! stop!!! bopping!!! helppp!!!

for fans of

a good artist that springs to mind with lots of the same funk and tight production is definitely louis cole.

should you listen to more?

yeah this artist is gonna be a big one. honestly the talent on display here? it is tasty. all that funky goodness and high production value can be found in this artists repertoire and you should definitely check it out. click the button below to give it a listen!

more we’ve been listening to

that’s all from us this week! catch you in the next one xo

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