😀 krea - last day of the year review

ending at the beginning?

back to normal! boo! just kidding, normal is good here, we've got so much in store for you all this year. first up, we've got a lush and really fun bit of a ballad. bit ironic that the first review of the year is called last day of the year, but here we are. oh, that's what the songs called! check it out by irish singer songwriter and super talent, krea.

click the picture up above to give it a listen!

what i liked! :)

first and foremost, this is great vocal work. the sheer amounts of peronsality leaking through from what is otherwise an initially pretty standard vocal fare. toss in the great interactions with the various backing vocals, not to mention the tasty and fun hooks the vocal on this lands in your head and will not get up for love nor money. on top of that, the really great production here makes what could've otherwise been a bit of a messy song sound instinctive and natural in a lot of ways. there's a lot going on here but it comes together really neatly. this is a track by a clearly very experienced musician who is comfortable taking bold decisions and at quite a few moments in this song that absolutely shines. also i loved the fade out, more fade outs please.

what i didn’t like :(

this songs a bit all over the place? like, there are a lot of ideas here, all of them really good and all of them really competently put together and delivered. plus, stitching them all together is done really well and rather smoothly, but i kinda wonder why? like, there's enough material here to stretch out into easily 4 or 5 songs, and all of them be good. this seems like a great case of less is definitely, hopefully more.

my drunk opinion :S

this song is like walking through a series of rooms in a beautiful house and you may tell yourself, “this is not my beautiful house”
and you may tell yourself, “this is not my beautiful wife” and you'd be right.

for fans of

been listening to lots of beach lab lately, and i think this artist might've been too. that's not a dig btw, you should listen to beach lab. listen to beach lab.

should you listen to more?

my main criticism of this song is that this artist has too many ideas on the go and the song feels uncohesive. i'm right and i can prove it by telling you to listen to the other song released by this artist, which is a treat just like this, but a much more solid affair without too much wandering. check it out!

more we’ve been listening to

super heartfelt and personal while also being just a fun bop? it's all here babeyyyy

just so groovy it kinda hurts a liil bit from all the boppin and swervin i've been doin

this is one of those songs where you start clicking your fingers along to the beat beacause it's so boppin and then you remember you're on a bus and thats weird

that’s all from us this week! catch you in the next one xo

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