😄 maris / false idol review

want to stand up and feel something on your insides?

Maris Ignites 2024 Underground Indie Pop Scene with 'False Idol' Embark on an epic journey with Maris' latest hit 'False Idol', a masterpiece that channels the grandiose energy of cinematic epics into the indie pop realm.

genre: indie / rock
release date: 03/02/23
runtime: 2:27
video: yes :)

hello premium gang, i am just back from watching dune part two and i am fully desert pilled. i’m melanged out my mind. i am going apul atreides mode. it’s sick, you need to see it, and what better way to come down from that high, than diving into a really sick song. meet maris, and their song false idol, and awfully fitting song for such a film that i just watched, you know what? it brings a lot of that epic sense of grandiose energy that dune did, so let’s do it.

click the picture up above to give it a listen!

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