😄 only the poets / crash review

holding on?

genre: rock
release date: 08/06/23
runtime: 2:39
video: yes

another glorious day in the finding new music game. good news everyone! we’ve got a really cool song here, altho i would say that i’m really vulnerable to this kinda rock music. it’s got a nice two stepping beat, some killer vocals and just a ton of poppy angst. that’s what we’ve got going on here, with crash by only the poets, this weeks song! enjoy

click the picture up above to give it a listen!

what i liked! :)

i really love the vocals in this song. from the hook to the vocal fry to the letting it down in the verses, there’s so much to love about this. if this is your jam, and it really is mine, then you’re in luck cus it’s absolutely banging. especially the big riffs this singer comes out with in the chorus, they really do a lot to elevate the song. on top of that, the little guitar sprites in the chorus are really fab. they’re not a hook per say, but they do give the song a bit of oomph and rizz. giving it all a lot to work with is of course the drum riff, which does not let up for one second in this and it really gives the song that high energy pop it demands.

what i didn’t like :(

i thought this song needed a bit of a moment of apex, to really drive home the massive but really restrained energy. it doesn’t even need to be something mad, a lil guitar lick, a vocal moment hell even a key change. something just to lay the song up on a height before bringing it down for that final chorus.

for fans of

this is strong nothing but theives territory, in a lot of ways, and all of them good. that’s a band i think are really cooking with what they release lately, and their back cat is really strong too. nothing but theives, more like, something but… thieves…

i’m sorry

should you listen to more?

everything i like about this song is very very present in their other work, thank goodness! they’re really strong, with great songwriting, beautiful vocals and lots of good songs. one thing tho, the song names. so the song i’m recommending is called jump, and this one is called crash. hmm.

more we’ve been listening to

when the stabby piano hitssssssss

this song makes me want to do a handstand

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congratulations to amelia, winner of may’s vinyl prize draw! share a single song review with your friends to enter june’s draw :)

that’s all from us this week! catch you in the next one xo

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