😄 s.j. armstrong / the morning review

deep vibe explanation inside

Dive into 2024's Underground Indie Rock Revolution Uncover the latest gem in 2024's underground indie rock scene with a track that blends nostalgic 90s sci-fi vibes with contemporary rock energy This new release

genre: rock
release date: 23/01/24
runtime: 3:49
video: no :(

i’m getting ready tonight to stay up until silly o’clock and watch as much of the superbowl as i can muster before i crash out, but in the meantime, got a banger of a track here for you. it’s honestly got a bit of a wild combo going on, between a pretty standard poppy rocky song, and moments where it wears the trappings of something. okay, this is going to sound odd, but it makes me think of the kind of 90s sci fi movie that has like weirdly culty following but is right at the more popular end of culty. think contact or donnie darko, defo right up there in terms of popularity, but not solidly in the mainstream. anyway, i can’t put my finger on why that is, i think it’s something to do with the intro, but whatever the reason, i’m there baby let’s contact some aliens and get googly with it.

click the picture up above to give it a listen!

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