😀 sylvia_din - no saviours review

a spooooooky goodbye?

good morning everyone, and to those of you who've just joined, welcome welcome welcome. if you're reading this, im currently on a train on the way to the airport preparing to enjoy many well earned (at least, i think so) days in the sun at prima vera. so you know what that means, no issue next week! but i'm gonna make it up to you. we've got a special edition coming on friday of next week, replete with a brand new playlist of songs you've probably never heard before, and an awesome quickfire round full of excellent new music for you. back to normal programming after that.

in the meantime, we've got a review to do! and this is a weird one from the depths of our submitted songs. i'll be real with you, when i first hear this song i thought hmm not sure about that one chief. it's instrumental, moody, electronic and weird. but you know what? i found myself literally whistling melodies from no saviours by sylvia_din and lemme tell you, if this song was being played really loud at some kinda cool nightclub? it'd be right at home. sometimes it takes the set up.

click the picture up above to give it a listen!

what i liked! :)

this song builds and builds and builds. at times, it almost sounds like level music from an early 00's video game, but it lays out it's ideas and then layers them up. plus there really is something bizarrely catchy about bits of this. i can't explain it but between the strange and aggressive synth and the pounding but syncopated bass drum, it reaches a level of musical intensity that's kinda infectious, my head was bobbing along with it.

what i didn’t like :(

i don't like how opaque parts of this song are. it's got a lot of cool ideas but it hides them almost by not brightening the mix or giving those high end ideas the room to breathe. almost feels like it's lacking confidence in itself? is that crazy?

my drunk opinion :S

feel like i should be wearing leather and platform boots to listen to this

for fans of

this is really in that aggressive hip hop vein of the likes of death grips, altho it's a little more tame but they've got potential to land in that genre.

should you listen to more?

there's a lot of cool music coming from this artist. some of their other stuff is a little chiller and less aggressive from what i've heard, but they show off a lot of range and ability, i just wish they'd go for a more aggressive and high energy style then being super moody all the time. they've got the chops for it. that said, if you like moody and opaque music, then check this artist out.

more we’ve been listening to

that killer combo of a great voice, catchy choruses and real moody song energy that doesn't skip on the pep

90s remixed pastiche? glitchy vocals? 808 drums? sign me up!

been getting a bit obsessed with all the music fred again... wrote over lockdown, and the videos for them are some incredible late night youtube viewing

that’s all from us this week! catch you in the next one xo

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