😄 egyptian blue / to be felt

what if melting your face was catchy

2024's Fresh Indie Rock Revelation: Egyptian Blue's 'To Be Felt' - A Liverpool Masterpiece - Dive into the electrifying world of Liverpool's latest indie rock sensation, Egyptian Blue, with their 2024 hit 'To Be Felt'. Experience the howling guitar riffs and infectious energy that set this band apart, capturing the essence of Liverpool's vibrant indie scene. 'To Be Felt' promises a theatrical journey through sound, showcasing Egyptian Blue's unique blend of drama and joy in a track that resonates long after the last note. Join us as we explore the future of indie rock, where Egyptian Blue leads with innovation and flair."

genre: rock / indie
release date: 27/10/23
runtime: 3:58
video: yes :)


premium gang! i haven’t forgotten you but i was waist deep in unpacking and i didn’t get to making this weeks premium review i am sorry, but! i will make it up to you, with a review later this week, and a lil bonus apology playlist jsut for u sorry xxxxx

good news everyone, as of today i have officially finished moving, and that means i can start being less insane than usual and also get writing good reviews for you all. moving is tough! did you know it’s one of the most stressful things you can do? it’s up there w like, divorce and loved one loss which is crazy, but i think i’m handling it great. maybe i’m built different. probably not, but in any event, i am built up with this song! aha. thought that would work a bit better than it did won’t lie. anyway, got a cool song for you like always, you know me. i once watched this documentary ages ago by parkway drive describing their first tour of india, and it was really good to this day i remember it being sick, but one of the coolest moments in it was how when they played one show the audience didn’t understand the lyrics because they were still rather unknown or something, so everyone sang out the guutar riffs? and there’s a clip of this one song being played and everyone singing the main guitar riff. it’s so cool. anyway, one of the marks in my mind of a good song is one that not only sticks in your head, but hangs around in your brain for hours or days after. and that’s what this song was like for me, so i think that’s reason enough to share it. meet egyptian blue, which first off, killer band name, and their song to be felt. it’s sick, you’re gonna love it.

the thing that stuck with me for so long in this was definitely that howling guitar riff. it’s such a stormer that just goes and goes, and sometimes it’s the simple things that work the best. the descending chords just screaming out got so stuck in my head, honestly partly because i really enjoyed where else musically that riff could go? it’s something that had a ton of potential, all the while having a great riff in it’s own right. i also really liked the groove of this song, for a balls to the wall crazy indie song, it’s got a lil heart of energy and joy to it. it’s a lot of fun. the massive cymbals really tie those two threads together tonally, the massive washy sound has enough fuzz on it’s edges to grasp the fiery tone of the guitars while also being slick and rhythmic enough to fit in with the groove. it’s a really tricky thing to land but when a band gets it it sounds soooooo good. i think all of those elements are echo’s of what this song is really doing that’s actually very cool, which is being incredibly theatrical. it’s a song that’s got a real sense of drama to it, especially in the bridge where it dampens down to the point you almost think the song has ended, but nope! surprise! we’re back. it’s that sense of drama that pervades this all, bringing it to life in a way that i really enjoyed.

i thought the vocals in this really worked, but they lacked that extra lil something that would make them actually properly bang. they didn’t really give much in the way of hook or melodic tone, instead sticking rigidly to the half spoken raspy voice, which was good! but like i said i thought the sense of drama and theatricality would’ve really been lent something special if it had a lil bit of that sense of joy and melody. ahh well!

i ‘m sittin on the bus having a wee rock out session but does anybody know? no, no they do not, i am too quick, i am tooc ool, i am too sly. (i’m none of these things)

the first thing that popped in my head when i thought of these guys was early foo fighters. they really do sound like them the more i think about it. that first foo fighters album was raw as hell and really had a ton of great stuff on there, as well as looking cool as hell.

yeeee this band is sick. their music is all rather same-y from what i listened to which won’t lie, wasn’t a huge amount but what i heard i really liked and what i didn’t hear i didn’t hear so what are you gonna do about it. lots of fun riffs, lots of real balls to the wall type stuff, lots of good energy all round really.

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more i’ve been listening to

raffaella, hippo campus / maps really been vibing to this lil cover, it’s so sick. i liked the original, but i lovedddd this and i think the song really benefitted from a real sense of laxidasical breath of air. it’s less tense and tight than the original and it benefits a lot from it i think.

really been vibing to this lil cover, it’s so sick. i liked the original, but i lovedddd this and i think the song really benefitted from a real sense of laxidasical breath of air. it’s less tense and tight than the original and it benefits a lot from it i think.

ginge / take my picture rarely hear an artist lately and immediately go to i need to hear this live, but this? this is banging. like live music rules and i love gigs, but often i’m like yes i would like to hear this live as opposed to this where i like, need, to.

rarely hear an artist lately and immediately go to i need to hear this live, but this? this is banging. like live music rules and i love gigs, but often i’m like yes i would like to hear this live as opposed to this where i like, need, to.

morgan saint / it hurts to be human yeah like, i guess it does? but also, it slaps when you’ve got a cool song on the go, so, who’s to say if it’s bad or not.

yeah like, i guess it does? but also, it slaps when you’ve got a cool song on the go, so, who’s to say if it’s bad or not.

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