😄 mandelbro / your house review

how are you going to do it.

Mandelbro Shakes Up 2024 with Unique Underground Indie Pop Sounds - Dive into the world of Mandelbro, the 2024 sensation in the underground indie pop scene, with their latest hit 'Your House'. Blending breathy vocals with percussive guitar, Mandelbro crafts an unforgettable groove that sets them apart. Experience the ebb and flow of their innovative sound, perfect for those seeking a fresh indie pop journey. Click to explore more of Mandelbro's uniquely captivating tracks

genre: pop / indie
release date: 05/01/24
runtime: 4:51
video: no :(


hello good morning and welcome to another edition of a single song review, this week we’re taking a look at someone doing an odd lil indie excursion with a really unique and excellent sound. meet mandelbro, indie band, moustache owner and this weeks artist who tackles the indie singer with guitar genre by planting two feet on either side of uniqe and generic and daring to do it a lil bit of both ways. this examplem the song your house which came out this past january, and really rules.

there are a fair few touches in this song that set it apart from your standard fair and i think each of them need a call out. first of all, the combination of the breathy vocal and percussive guitar playing do a lot to lay the ground work on this for something a little different by blending those two sounds very gently together, giving it a solid groove. the second is the gentle introduction of new elements only after pulling the song back a bit, giving the whole song structure a real ebb and flow, with the throughline getting more and more intense. the third is making use of subtle details such as making sure to include and even boost the sounds of hands on the drums, giving them a flatter, more realistic tone which works with the percussive elements on the stringed instruments. this serves to build up that groove. the fourth element i love in this is the way the vocal uses the call and answer of the chorus line as the melodic structure of each line in the verse. rather than the verse being a moment of completely different melody, it works with the ideas of the chorus, and especially so when that same idea is applied to the outro. the question element of the melody is used as a backing vocal to build and build it’s way out. it’s a really clever way to structure your song and build out your melodioes, and the result is landing that hook that you’ve heard so many times right inside your brain forever and ever.

i have a piece of almost eternal beef with songs like this. i love a build, i love being taken for a yarn, being led down the path, being taken by the hand and shown the top of a hill. and yet, endlessly, i want things to keep going. i don’t want it to end. i want it to keep going. but does it? no. it never does.

i think the funniest part of this segment of these reviews is that i’ve actually stopped drinking for several months now, and yet every time i’m like aww, wonder what drunk me would’ve thought about this song. and sometimes that’s easy, sometimes that’s hard, but in this instance, i think drunk me would’ve been pretty psyched by this song. i think drunk me would’ve heard this at a gig and been like :ooooooooo this rules who is thisssss and y’know what? that’s pretty neat.

oohhhh there’s a ton. i want to recommend an artist that this is similar too on a like, spiritual level not just sonically similar, i.e. i want it to be the kind of artist that is not only doing the same things, but going about them in the same way. for that, i’m reaching for nnamdï, another example of this kind of really creative and interesting songwriting, and clever use of stylistic vocal devices.

this band really goes off the deep end and i’m really here for it. you get tons of weird and odd, you get a bit of straighforward but by and large you’re really getting a lot of cool stuff here. the songs where they really pick it up are some of my favourites over and above this track which i really enjoyed. their big song, loser, is a bop as well, good for them.

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another michael / candle haven’t really got much to say about this one, i think it’s neat and sometimes that’s enough! cool song, nice synths, carry on.

haven’t really got much to say about this one, i think it’s neat and sometimes that’s enough! cool song, nice synths, carry on.

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this song is so dramatic it sounds like it needs a montage of someone making their way through new york whilst getting into little highjinks and situations.

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