😄 max reject / fun with alcohol review

let's get fuzzy

Max Reject's 'Fun with Alcohol': Bold Fusion of Hip Hop and Digital Fu Step into the sonic battleground with Max Reject's latest track 'Fun with Alcohol' – a hip hop/electronic hybrid bristling with dark energy and raw cyberpunk vibes. Experience the intense, unyielding flow and the hauntingly aggressive beats that set this 2:12-minute song apart from anything you've heard before. Perfect for those seeking a relentless audio assault with a touch of digital chaos.

genre: hip hop / electronic
release date: 01/09/23
runtime: 2:12
video: yes :)

hey everyone! quick authors note here, i’ve set up a discord server for everyone to join! i’ve had it a while but wasn’t totally sure what to do with it, there’s some premium content for premium subscribers in there, but i figure it’d be real sweet if we could make it a lil community for musicians, musicy people, normal people, not so normal people, and everyone else.

hellooooo everyone, i’m a lil bummed out today because i get real freaked out by fireworks, and last night was bonfire night here, so people set them off all over the show. i responded by shutting myself in a lil and playing some stellaris, which was ace, but apparently! the northern lights were about? or at least i keep seeing that on social media and i missed it entirely. who can say if that happened or not. to get over the potential of something that may or may not have happened, how’s about something aggresive and knarly? i think so, glad you agree. this week, we’re checking out some new hip hop from max reject and their song, fun with alcohol.

there’s so much personality and aggression in this song, it’s absolutely sick. i love the dark and abrasive tones on display, from the fuzz on the bass to the digital elements giving it some real cyberpunk 2077 energy. the vocal take too goes so hard. it’s aggresive and desperate with personality, not afraid to show that bit of vulnerability and humanity that is some of the best nasty vocal i’ve heard in a while. the way the song sometimes pulls itself back a step and holds it’s break almost only to absolutely go again is so fucking cool. on top of all of that, the short and sharp nature of this track does not mess around. it gets in, does what it wants and heads off to pastures anew.

i feel like this song could really do with having a bit more of a direct hook, or leaning further into the inpenetrable nature of this hyper aggresive hip hop. it’s like it’s almost on the cusp of something really solid, and needs to lean into something just a bit more to create something truly unique, it just doens’t quite manage it.

bet this live would be absolutely knarly tho. those electronic digital sounds on a big speaker system? they’d absolutely rule. i once saw a guy put his head in a speaker for like 5 minutes at a gig and then come out bleary eyed. i burst out laughing at him and he took my hand and went ‘you gotta try this shit man’, i bet this dudes gigs would be like that. also i hope that guy is well.

i’ll be honest here. the obvious comparison is the likes of death grips, but i don’t think that’s a super fair comparison because i think they’re actually trying to do something substantially different, so i spent some time hunting for some good comparisons, and i found a few, but i really really liked this song gtg brb by an artist called dgtl, which has a lot of the digital aesthetics that this song has, but none of the intensity, and it’s a really neat contrast actually. aesthetically they’re almost doing the same thing, but completely differently.

i am emploring you to not reject max reject, because max reject is really really good. the sounds they’re playing with, the energy, the ferocity? it’s all there baby, and it all rules let me tell you. the rest of the ep this track is from is really good, and as i said earlier, if they continue to lean into the uniqueness of their sound they’ll be onto something fierce.

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that’s all from us in this edition! new playlist out this week!

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